Editor: Colin Andrews

Published: Autumn 2012

Number: 71


Well, the Olympics eventually turned out to more of a showcase for morris than we had been led to believe. A cameo appearance in the closing ceremony, and several sides dancing at the Olympic venues during the games at least brought our traditional dance to the attention of a world audience, though many of us feel that morris in the rural setting of the opening ceremony was a missed opportunity.

There is another high profile event in which morris can again get national publicity. This Newsletter gives details of a Joint Morris Organisation initiative to present a large cheque for Children in Need, with (hopefully) all of this country’s morris sides making a contribution.

Download: Newsletter Autumn 2012 (4Mb)


  • Interview with Dick Stanger
  • John Gasson Jig Competition
  • Channel Hopping
  • Morris Olympians
  • Morris for Children in Need
  • Jubilee Year Celebrations
  • Plumpton Traditional Dance Festival
  • Paul White’s Diary
  • Our Cotswold Heritage


#Editor: Colin Andrews
#Citation: Morris Federation Newsletter, Autumn 2012,


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