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Editor: Doug Bradshaw

Published: Autumn 2009

Number: 59

Download: Newsletter Autumn 2009 (1Mb)


Well it’s nearly the end of my stint in the editorial chair. The next issue should see the new editor watching over my shoulder getting to grips with the task of converting a stream of e-mails and word documents into a viable newsletter. Or possibly I might strike lucky and be able to step aside and let the new incumbent to slip into the task without further ado. Who can tell? So what has the new editor to look forward to?

There’s the ever-popular debate on blacking up. This issue has a contributions from “Down Under” on the export of Border style morris to Western Australia via Long Eaton. It is interesting that the newly formed D-Unit side, having considered the options, adopted black as the most effective disguise.

Meanwhile the PEL debate rumbles on mainly led by the musicians of the world seeking to win exemption for small scale gigs from the need for licence. In the dance world there seems to be a division between those who are being hit by the vagaries of the application of the act and those who feel the exemption covers all their needs. Can this issue ever be resolved?

And then there’s the BNP riding on the back of tradition to  promote a political stance. That should spark some controversy. Freedom of speech is always easier to take if the speaker echoes your viewpoint. Oh and then there is the standards debate and performance etiquette. So over to you readers words and pictures always welcome.


  • Goth Morris = evolution?
  • Missive from Oz – the Squire of the Australasian Ring
  • Living in the past – change or die?
  • Ten years after – a look back at Whitby ’99
  • Our most experienced dancer?
  • D-Unit Morris – love and morris goes global
  • Who owns your image – and should it be the BNP?
  • PEL still kicking after five years
  • Paul White – on festivals
  • A stitch in time
  • Here we go again – all blacked up and nowhere to go


#Editor: Doug Bradshaw
#Citation: Morris Federation Newsletter, Autumn 2009,


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