thumbnail of 2007-autumnEditor: Doug Bradshaw

Published: Autumn 2007

Number: 51

Download: Newsletter Autumn 2007 (1Mb)


As I write I’m satiated with festivals. The rhythm of my year has for too long been controlled by the academic timetable, not me I hasten to point out but the ‘live in’ proof reader. So August is a month when we cram in festivals and as many of our team also seem to be bound to the academic year we generally skip August as far as bookings go. What is it about teachers and morris anyway?

This means that I get to watch dancing as an onlooker rather than in the guise of the stern authoritarian control freak which I may appear to be when performing! Opinions may vary on this subject of course.

So what do I see from the comfort of the anonymous spectator? Well I have seen displays of breathtaking energy and style that have made me long for the days of my youth. But I have also seen displays that have made me want to hide my face in my hands and slink away. Or to rush forward and explain that traditional dance is really important and that it can be done much, much better.

The lure of the “free” festival ticket may be the answer to the appearance of some obviously under strength and under rehearsed sides I saw this summer. So maybe the coming winter is a time to keep the enthusiasm, build the strength and develop the skills? Within the Federation we have huge reservoirs of talent and expertise waiting to be tapped. Why not use it?


Useful Contacts 2
Contents 3
Committee News 4
When is a Bus Not a Bus? 8
Letters 10
Ann Mason 12
Chinwrde at 25 13
How Do you Solve a Problem
Like Musicians? 14
Morris Taster Update 15
Ditchingling Goes Dutch 16
Maastricht What a Treat 17
I Didn’t Know Women Danced Morris Part 2 18
Ten Questions to Three
Generations 20
Clogfest 2007 23
A Tribute to Professor Robinson 24
Paul White Loves
Hammersmith 26
Shop 28


#Editor: Doug Bradshaw
#Citation: Morris Federation Newsletter, Autumn 2007,


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