Editor: Sam Ross
Published: Autumn 2019
Number: 95

Download: FedExtra Autumn 2019 (3Mb)

Melanie Barber reflects on her six years as president, Goathland Stots take on a Three Peaks challenge, Montenegro morris with Dr Turberville’s, our AGM day of dance in photos, Boss Morris go to Glastonbury, while Rivington Morris return to Sidmouth for the third time, a new booklet on warming up and down from Andrew Knight, Kettle Bridge Clogs call time after 35 years, plus a roundup of birthdays, festivals, and other celebrations.


#Editor: Sam Ross
#Citation: FedExtra, Autumn 2019,



04: Welcome to the Winter/Spring issue: a message from the editor
04: Contact your committee: details of how to get in touch
05: President’s prologue: Melanie Barber reflects on six years as president
06: Goathland Stots: The team take on the Three Peaks and raise £8000
08: Turbs go to Montenegro: morris dancing proves a hit with Russian delegate
09: Kettle Bridge Clogs: calling time on their clogs after 35 years of dance
10: Ossett Beercart: the sixth annual ‘new tradition’ proves increasingly popular
12: Update your details: a step-by-step guide to keeping your details up-to-date
14: Our AGM day of dance: photographs of teams and activities on 28 September
16: Boss Morris: the unconventional morris team takes a turn at Glastonbury
18: Offcumduns: a change of tradition brings new members and awards
20: Hurst Morris People: HuMP turn 30 and celebrate with friends in Berkshire
21: The Evesham Stick: The colourful Loose Women take away the coveted trophy
22: Rivington Morris: looking back over three appearances at Sidmouth
24: Bradninch Millers: the team celebrates its 10th year of dance in Topsham, Devon
26: Warming up and down: a new information booklet written by Andrew Knight
27: Paul White’s Diary: should England’s rugby players perform morris in response to the haka?


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