
Playing For Morris Dancing Workshop – John Kirkpatrick


An event hosted and led by John Kirkpatrick.

Sunday 25th February 2024 in Bishops Castle, Shropshire. 

"Come and learn from somebody who has been Morris Dancing, playing for it, and thinking about it since he was twelve years old. After over 60 years, he must know something! This will mainly be useful for people who already play for this kind of dancing, but anybody who enjoys bashing out a tune will be most welcome. We aim to cover all styles of Morris Dancing. Acoustic instruments only, please - no electronics or percussion. Tuition will be both by ear and from printed music, which will be available in advance."

DERT (Dancing England Rapper Tournament) 2024 (Whitby)


A DERT event. In 2024 it is being held in Whitby, North Yorkshire. Friday night will be a welcome evening. Saturday is the competition day, finishing with awards and followed by a social evening. Sunday the winners host a workshop. Click on the name of the event for more info.

Joint Morris Organisations’ Day of Dance 2024 (Newark)


The JMO day of dance is on Saturday 13th April 2024 in Newark, hosted by Trentside Holmes Morris on behalf of The Morris Federation. This is a collaborative event organised in turn by The Morris Federation, The Morris Ring, and Open Morris. FIND OUT WHO IS WHERE AND WHEN Click on the name of the event for more info.

“Yoga for Morris Dancers” – Carla Wilson – Workshop (LIVE on Zoom)

Online over Zoom

Your host will be Carla Wilson, a qualified yoga teacher and member of Slubbing Billy's Northwest Morris. This yoga session for Morris dancers will include a lot of techniques helpful for your dancing: warm-up; practices for strengthening the core and improving balance; stretches for the backs of legs; and finally a relaxation.

Click on the name of the event for more info and to register for a place.

“Morris Census 2023 Results” – Jack Worth – JMO Workshop (LIVE on Zoom)

Online over Zoom

Jack Worth will present the key findings of the Morris Census from winter 2023, and compare it with results from previous ones in 2014, 2017, and 2020. There will be time for Q&A to dig into the detail.

Click on the name of the event for more info and to register for a place.

Morris Federation Day of Dance and AGM 2024 (Cardiff)


The Morris Federation and Cardiff Morris extends a warm welcome to all members of The Morris Federation to join us in a day of dance on Saturday 21st September 2024, followed by The Morris Federation's AGM at 4.30pm (4pm sign-in). Activities are also arranged for the Friday and Saturday nights, and more dancing on the Sunday.

Click on the name of the event for more info and to book your place.

Illustrious Order of Fools & Beasts Unconvention 2024 (Birmingham)


An Illustrious Order of Fools & Beasts event. Open to all budding or experienced Fools, Beasts and Morris Characters from any team from the Morris Federation, Morris Ring, Open Morris, or independent. This year the event will be based in and around Birmingham. Friday night there will be supper, bar, music/dance workshop and singing. The Saturday tour will be in Birmingham, and on Sunday our AGM and a workshop. BOOKINGS OPEN until 27th September! Click on the name of the event for more info and an application form.

Workshop – “Recruitment Ideas and Experiences” – a JMO event (LIVE on Zoom)

Online over Zoom

Recruitment is always a hot topic for morris sides/teams. Here we host a panel from across all 3 morris organisations, to share their tips and experiences.

Please bring your own ideas and experiences to share, too.

Click on the name of the event for more info and to register for a place.

Morris Federation 50th Anniversary Day of Dance (Armitage, Staffordshire)

Armitage, Staffordshire

The Morris Federation and Beggars' Oak Clog extend a warm welcome to all members of The Morris Federation to join us in a day of dance in Armitage, Staffordshire, on Sunday 2nd March 2025.

The Morris Federation and host teams are running a series of regional events to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Morris Federation, founded in 1975.

BOOKINGS OPEN! Click on the name of the event for more info and to book your place.

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