
JMO 20th Anniversary – Regional Day of Dance 2023 (Bath)


In 2023 the Joint Morris Organisations are running a series of regional days of dance to celebrate 20 years since the national Day of Dance in Trafalgar Square in November 2003 which was held to celebrate the exemption of “morris dancing” from the Licensing Act 2003.

The regional event for the South West is in Bath on Sat 7th October 2023. Click on the name of the event for more info. #JMO20TH

JMO 20th Anniversary – Regional Day of Dance 2023 (Newcastle)


In 2023 the Joint Morris Organisations are running a series of regional days of dance to celebrate 20 years since the national Day of Dance in Trafalgar Square in November 2003 which was held to celebrate the exemption of “morris dancing” from the Licensing Act 2003.

The regional event for the North East is in Newcastle City Centre & Gateshead Quays on Sat 7th October 2023. Click on the name of the event for more info. #JMO20TH

Sword Dance Union (SDU) Longsword Competition 2023 (Sheffield)


A Sword Dance Union event. Open to all teams from the Morris Federation, Morris Ring, Open Morris, or independent.

Friday night there will be welcome drinks. Saturday is the competition day, finishing with awards and followed by a social evening. Sunday informal dancing at a local pub. Click on the name of the event for more info.

JMO 20th Anniversary – Regional Day of Dance 2023 (London)

London , United Kingdom

In 2023 the Joint Morris Organisations are running a series of regional days of dance to celebrate 20 years since the national Day of Dance in Trafalgar Square in November 2003 which was held to celebrate the exemption of “morris dancing” from the Licensing Act 2003.

The regional event for the South East, and finale of these events, is in London on Sat 21st October 2023. Click on the name of the event for more info. #JMO20TH

Illustrious Order of Fools & Beasts Unconvention 2023 (Brighton)


An Illustrious Order of Fools & Beasts event.

Open to all budding or experienced Fools, Beasts and Morris Characters from any team from the Morris Federation, Morris Ring, Open Morris, or independent. This year the event will be based in and around Brighton. Friday night there will be supper, bar, music/dance workshop and singing. The Saturday tour will be in Brighton and Lewes, and on Sunday our AGM and a workshop.

BOOKINGS OPEN! Click on the name of the event for more info.

Workshop – Safeguarding, an introduction – Andrea Richards (LIVE on Zoom)

Online over Zoom

A whistlestop tour of all things safeguarding for both children and vulnerable adults in a morris seeting.  Aimed at teams who have under 18's or vulnerable adults, or are thinking of setting up a youth team.

We will cover: What is Safeguarding - whose responsibility is it? Why do we need to know? Safeguarding from what and who - and how? What to look for - and what to do. We will look at some of the law with a view to myth-busting some of the biggest misunderstandings. Children and vulnerable adults - is there a difference in what we need to consider and how we deal with it?

Click on the name of the event for more info and to register for a place.

Morris Ring Jigs Instructional 2024 (Sutton Bonington, near Nottingham)

Sutton Bonington

A Morris Ring event. Open to all members of teams from the Morris Ring, Morris Federation, Open Morris, or independent.

You need to be comfortable dancing set dances from at least one Cotswold tradition. The sessions are as much about dancing well as about dancing jigs, so one frequent attendee refers to it as "an MoT for my Morris".

BOOKINGS OPEN.  Click on the name of the event for more info.

Workshop – Teaching Morris and Maypole in Primary Schools – Barry Goodman and Virginia Crewe (LIVE on Zoom)

Online over Zoom

Our hosts will take you through some of their experiences of teaching morris and maypole to primary school age children, and answer your questions on how you too can go about it. Presentations for approx 1 hour, then 30 mins for Q&A.

Click on the link below to book a place and you will be sent a Zoom link to access the event.

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