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Talk – ‘Morris Music – a history’ – Taborers Society (LIVE on Zoom)

Saturday 6 March , 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Recording of event

This talk took place using the Zoom video service on 6 March 2021. A recording of the talk is available on YouTube: ‘Morris Music – a History’ – Talk – Taborers Society.

Talk – ‘Morris Music’ – a history – Taborers Society

A talk by Stephen Rowley on the history of morris music, followed by a discussion chaired by Andy Richards including how to obtain tabor pipes for anyone wanting to learn.

There will be a follow-on Pipe & Tabor Beginner’s Workshop on 20th March.


17:00 Morris Music – a History – or “Whatever did the old dead guys ever do for us?” – Talk by Stephen Rowley

17:45 Taboring for dance lift with Shepherds’ Hey from Bucknell (we will learn this tune in our Beginners Pipe & Tabor Workshop on 20th March) – Andy Richards

17:55 Note about the Beginners Pipe & Tabor Workshop on 20th March and how to obtain tabor pipes – Andy Richards

18:00 Discussion chaired by Andy Richards [approx. 30 min]

Your hosts

Stephen Rowley.  Musician and dancer, founder of the International Pipe and Tabor Festival, The Taborers Society and the International Mummers Festival.  He has performed and taught widely in Europe, USA, Russia and Australia.  He has a particular interest in the festival procession dances of the Iberian peninsular and their music.

Andy Richards.  Andy has many years’ experience of leading, teaching and playing for morris dancing and early dance with pipe and tabor, the typical instrument for English morris from the 15th to the early 19th century. He is the EFDSS Morris Class Tutor and current Chair of the Taborers Society.

This talk is being jointly presented with The Taborers Society: www.pipeandtabor.org

To join The Taborers Society:  http://www.pipeandtabor.org/sample-page/become-a-member/

To register

Please complete this online form: Register for the Talk – Morris Music – a History – Taborer’s Society; you will receive a confirmation email immediately (check your spam/junk/promotions folder!).  We will send you a Zoom link a couple of days before the event.  Open to all – you don’t have to be a member of a team in The Morris Federation or the Taborers Society.

Optional Donations

If you enjoy this event, then it would be wonderful if you could send a donation, small or large, to Bowel Cancer UK via: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/stephen-rowley2

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