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JMO 20th Anniversary – Regional Day of Dance 2023 (London)

Saturday 21 October , 10:30 am - 6:30 pm
JMO 3 logos in line

JMO 20th Anniversary – Regional Day of Dance 2023 (London)

In 2023 the Joint Morris Organisations are running a series of regional days of dance to celebrate 20 years since the national Day of Dance in Trafalgar Square on Sunday 2nd November 2003 which was held to celebrate the exemption of “morris dancing” from the Licensing Act 2003.  For the background to the exemption, see: Tradfolk article: Celebrating 20 years since Morris dancing was rescued from the Licensing Act 

These regional events are hosted by a collaboration of members of teams of all three morris organisations in the UK – The Morris Federation, The Morris Ring, and Open Morris.

The regional event for the South East, and finale of these events, is in London on Sat 21st October 2023.  Any queries please email: bag@newesp.org.uk


See here for the full Programme: JMO London Day of Dance 2023 Programme.  The outline plan is:

  • 10:30-11:30 Teams tour locally to their arrival station
  • 12:00-15:00 Trafalgar Square.  All teams – 2 separate dance spaces.  Speech by Lord Redesdale at 12:30.
  • 15:00-18:30 Tours of central London until dusk

Details of teams booked are listed below.


In 2003, over 50 teams attended the original day of dance.  Our records show that these teams were booked:

  • (Morris Federation) Beetlecrushers, Berkshire Bedlam, Boojum, Bullnose, Buttercross Belles, Chinewrde, Ditchling, East Saxon Sword, Elephant up a Pole, Fleur de Lys, Grimspound, Hammersmith, Iron Men & Severn Gilders, Jackstraws, Knockhundred Shuttles, Knots of May, Mayflower, Morris Offspring, Mortimers, New Esperance, Pigsty, Rampant Rooster, Samhain, Seven Champions, Sompting Village, Wild Hunt.
  • (Morris Ring) Coventry, Devil’s Dyke, Earlsdon, East Kent, Horwich, Jockey, Kennet, King John’s, The King’s Men, Red Leicester (Leicester MM), Morris 18-30, Royal Liberty, Thaxted, Westminster, Yateley.
  • (Open Morris) Alford Morris, Bunnies from Hell, Eryri Morris, Gog Magog Molly, Golden Star, Lagabag, Ouse Washes Molly, Shinfield Shambles, Wharfedale Wayzgoose, Yorkshire Chandelier.
  • (all 3 orgs!) Phoenix (Rickmansworth)
  • Invited guests: EFDSS country dancers

In 2023, 40 teams are booked:

Team In 2003? Area Dance style Web site Member of
Baldock Midnight Morris Hertfordshire Cotswold, Border https://www.baldockmidnightmorris.org.uk/ Morris Federation
Belles of London City London Cotswold http://www.bellesoflondoncity.com/ Morris Federation
Black Swan Morris Surrey Border http://www.blackswanbordermorris.co.uk/ Morris Federation
Box Hill Bedlam Surrey Border Box Hill Bedlam’s Facebook site Morris Federation
Brixton Tatterjacks London Border Brixton Tatterjacks’s Facebook Site Open Morris
Bunnies from Hell y Various Cotswold Bunnies from Hell’s Facebook site Open Morris
Chiltern Hundreds Hertfordshire North West http://www.chilternhundredsmorris.co.uk/ Morris Federation
Dacre Morris London Cotswold http://dacremorris.smallcogs.com/ Morris Federation
Ditchling Morris y West Sussex Cotswold http://www.ditchlingmorris.org/ Morris Federation
Garston Gallopers Berkshire Cotswold, Border http://www.garstongallopers.co.uk/ Morris Federation
Hammersmith Morris y London Cotswold http://hammersmithmorris.org.uk/ Morris Federation
Hemlock Morris Bedfordshire Cotswold, Border http://www.hemlockmorris.com/ Morris Federation
Holt Ridge Morris East Anglia Cotswold Holt Ridge Morris’ Facebook site Open Morris
Huginn and Muninn London Border Huginn and Muninn’s Facebook site Morris Federation
Iron Spring Morris Kent Border Iron Spring Morris’s Facebook site Open Morris
Kennet Morris Men y Berkshire Cotswold http://www.kennetmorrismen.co.uk/ Morris Ring
Knights of King Ina Somerset Cotswold Jig http://www.koki.org.uk/ Morris Federation
Knots of May Morris y East Sussex North West, Garland http://www.knotsofmay.org.uk/ Morris Federation
Letchworth Morris Hertfordshire Cotswold https://www.letchworthmorris.org.uk/ Morris Ring
London Pride Morris London Cotswold http://www.londonpridemorris.org/ Morris Ring
Lyme Morris Dorset Cotswold https://www.facebook.com/LymeMorris/ Morris Ring
Madder Mill Molly Surrey Molly http://www.maddermolly.co.uk/ Morris Federation
New Esperance y London Cotswold https://newesperance.wordpress.com/ Morris Federation
North Wood Morris Surrey Cotswold https://northwoodmorris.co.uk/ Morris Ring
Northfields Morris London Cotswold, Border http://www.northfieldsmorris.com/ Morris Federation
Old Palace Clog London North West, Garland https://oldpalaceclog.wixsite.com/home Morris Federation
Outside Capering Crew Oxfordshire Cotswold, Broom http://www.caperingcr.eu/ Morris Federation
Pecsaetan Morris South Yorkshire Cotswold http://www.pecsaetan.co.uk/ Morris Federation
Phoenix Morris y Hertfordshire Cotswold https://phoenixmorrisdancers.com/ Morris Federation, Morris Ring, Open Morris
Pump House Clog Morris Hertfordshire North West http://www.pumphouseclogmorris.co.uk/ Morris Federation
Royal Liberty Morris y Essex Cotswold, Border, Molly Royal Liberty’s Facebook site Morris Federation
Seven Champions Molly y Kent Molly Seven Champions Molly’s Facebook site Morris Federation
Seven Sisters Molly Kent Molly Seven Sisters Molly’s Facebook site Morris Federation
St Albans Morris Hertfordshire Cotswold https://stalbansmorris.org.uk/ Morris Ring
Thaxted Morris y Essex Cotswold http://www.thaxtedmorris.org/ Morris Ring
Wantsum Morris Kent Cotswold https://wantsum-morris.org.uk/ Morris Ring
Wantsum Women Kent Cotswold Wantsum Women’s facebook site Morris Federation
Westminster y London Cotswold http://westminstermorris.org/ Morris Ring, Morris Federation
Whitethorn Morris London North West https://whitethornmorris.com/ Morris Federation
Wild Hunt y Surrey Border http://wildhunt.org.uk/ Morris Federation


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