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JMO 20th Anniversary – Regional Day of Dance 2023 (Chester)

JMO 20th Anniversary – Regional Day of Dance 2023 (Chester)

In 2023 the Joint Morris Organisations are running a series of regional days of dance to celebrate 20 years since the national Day of Dance in Trafalgar Square in November 2003 which was held to celebrate the exemption of “morris dancing” from the Licensing Act 2003.

These regional events are hosted by a collaboration of members of teams of all three morris organisations in the UK – The Morris Federation, The Morris Ring, and Open Morris.

The regional event for the North West is in Chester on Sat 23rd September 2023.  This is a walking and dancing tour of Chester between 09:40-16:00.  Contact the organisers at:

JMO Chester 2023 flyerShort summary:

  • 09:40 Town Hall Square – Event opening and welcome by Cllr Susan Little, Lord Mayor of Chester
  • 10:20-12:05 and 13:30-15:15 – Dance displays at Exchange Square, Town Hall Square, Commercial Hotel, Bridge Street, Eastgate Street, Addleshaw Bell Tower, Gorse Stacks
  • 15:30-16:00 Exchange Square – Final dances for those who wish to.


Here is the full JMO Chester (Deva) Day of Dance Programme showing who is dancing where and when, eateries, transport and all sorts of marvellous information about the day:


Teams booked are:

Team Area Dance style Web site Member of
Adlington Morris Men Stockport, Greater Manchester Cotswold Morris Ring, Morris Federation
Chester City Morris Men Chester, Cheshire North West Morris Ring
Earl of Stamford Morris Moore, Cheshire Cotswold, Border Open Morris
Earlsdon Morris Men Coventry, West Midlands North West Morris Ring
Green Man Morris Whitchurch, Shropshire and Nantwich, Cheshire Border Open Morris
Malkin Morris Nelson, Lancashire North West, Clog Step Morris Federation
Manchester Morris Stretford, Manchester North West Morris Ring
Mersey Morris Wirral, Merseyside Cotswold Morris Ring, Morris Federation
Milltown Cloggies Dukinfield, Greater Manchester North West Milltown Cloggies Facebook site Morris Federation
Newburgh Morris Parbold, Lancashire North West Morris Federation
Rivington Morris Bolton, Greater Manchester North West Morris Federation
Saddleworth Morris Men Uppermill, Oldham, Greater Manchester North West Saddleworth Morris Facebook site Morris Ring
Southport Swords Southport, Lancashire Longsword Morris Ring
Waters Green Morris Macclesfield, Cheshire Cotswold Morris Federation


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