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Joint Morris Organisations’ Day of Dance 2016

Saturday 23 April

The JMO Day of Dance is a collaborative event organised in turn by one of the three morris organisations in the UK – The Morris Federation, The Morris Ring, and Open Morris.

Each year the JMO Day of Dance is held in a different location. The three organisations rotate the organisation of the event with a member side offering to plan and host the day.

The day of dance is a celebration of morris and traditional dancing. Groups from the three organisations, and performing many different types of traditional dance, will be present in one location for one day only. This is probably the biggest annual gathering of morris dancers in the world.

This year’s host side Minster Strays were formed in 2003 by two couples wishing to dance mixed morris. They dance Cotswold and border morris and have a wide repertoire of dances including many in the border style that they have made up themselves.

Details of the day are available from the JMO Day of Dance website (update: this page has now been taken down).

The City of York

York, United Kingdom

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