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Joint Morris Organisations’ Day of Dance 2022 (Liverpool)

Saturday 9 April , 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
JMO Liverpool 2022 liver building

Joint Morris Organisations’ Day of Dance 2022 (Liverpool)

The JMO National Day of Dance is a collaborative event organised in turn by one of the three morris organisations in the UK – The Morris Federation, The Morris Ring, and Open Morris. The day of dance is a celebration of morris and traditional dancing held annually at a different location around the UK.

The Joint Morris Organisations’ Day of Dance is on Saturday 9th April 2022 in Liverpool City Centre hosted by The Morris Ring in the North West.  This was postponed from 2020 due to the Coronavirus Covid-19 outbreak.

The day is still being planned, and for current details see The Morris Ring web site: themorrisring.org/event/2022/apr/joint-morris-organisation-national-day-dance-liverpool-2022.  Timings: The DoD Help Desk will open at 09:00; there’ll be a short opening ceremony at about 10:00 – both locations are a 5-10 minute stroll from Lime Street (main line) Station. Dance displays will be between about 10:15 and 16:00.


Registrations closed on 12th March.  However, if you are interested there may still be space, so if your team is a member of The Morris Federation please fill out the Contact form to apply (use the drop-down for ‘Events’).

Teams Registered

Morris Federation member teams registered are:

We will be joined by 4 teams who are members of the Open Morris, and 8 teams from the Morris Ring – plus 4 host teams for the event.

The organisers welcome applications from would-be marshals (afternoon only). Please contact as for ‘Registration’ above.




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