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Morris Ring Jigs Instructional 2024 (Sutton Bonington, near Nottingham)

Morris Ring Jigs Instructional 2024 (Sutton Bonington, near Nottingham)

A Morris Ring event.  Open to all members of teams from the Morris Ring, Morris Federation, Open Morris, or independent.

This year it will be for a single day, in the usual venue, Sutton Bonington near Nottingham, on Saturday 20th January. We’ll get in as much of the curriculum as possible from the previous weekend events, so expect it to be quite a long day. Put the effort in and we guarantee to improve your dancing.

You need to be comfortable dancing set dances from at least one Cotswold tradition. The sessions are as much about dancing well as about dancing jigs, so one frequent attendee refers to it as “an MoT for my Morris”.

The day will start at 0930, with breakfast from 0830, and end with a meal – not a Feast – so that you can get on the road at about 1930. If you’re travelling from further afield there should be very limited indoor camping available (it is explicitly forbidden in the main hall) or there are cheap hotels not far away at East Midlands airport.

BOOKINGS OPEN!  Cost is expected to be around £30 including all meals. If you’re interested email and we’ll send more details and an application form. Entries don’t have to be through sides, just mention your side (or one of them).

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