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Workshop – Cotswold Morris Jigs – KOKI (Hybrid: In person and LIVE on Zoom)

Sunday 20 March , 10:30 am - 4:00 pm
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Workshop – Cotswold Morris Jigs – KOKI (Hybrid: In person and LIVE on Zoom)

Knights of King Ina are restarting their workshop series with a chance to run through a number of Cotswold Jigs in preparation to a dance season where dancers and teams can again go out and meet.  It is offered as an in-person workshop in Somerset, and also online over Zoom at the same time.  So it’s also a chance to experience a ‘hybrid’ event.

Open to all – you don’t have to be a member of a team in The Morris Federation.

In person

Where – Keinton Mandeville Village Hall, Somerset TA11 6ES. http://keintonvh.co.uk/directions.php
Time – 10:30 – 16:00
Bring – Lunch, Hankies
Wear – suitable dance or exercise clothes, shoes fit for dancing!
Provided – Teas / Coffees and the previously famous Cake!
Cost – £10 to help cover costs.

To register for the in-person experience – please email squire@koki.org.uk and one of KOKI will contact you with further information.

or on Zoom

This is offered if you cannot or do not feel safe to join us. Please be aware most of the presenting will be to the participants in the hall – we will have a number of cameras around the room so you can choose which view you would prefer – but note that Zoom may not be managed all the time.  We will endeavour to give timings for when we will cover certain jigs in the day so Zoom participants can attend for only some of the time.

Time – 10:30 – 16:00
You will need – Hankies
Wear – suitable dance or exercise clothes, shoes fit for dancing!
Cost – free, optional donations see below

To register to join on Zoom – please complete this online form: Register for the Workshop – Cotswold Jigs – KOKI – on Zoom; you will receive a confirmation email immediately (check your spam/junk/promotions folder!).  We will send you a Zoom link a couple of days before the event.


For those that like to hear the tunes and /or see the dance entirely first, we encourage you to listen/view these before you join the workshop: see the King Ina YouTube Channel.  Full notation is available for download there.

Optional Donations

If you enjoy this event, then it would be wonderful if you could send a donation, small or large, to Yeovil Freewheelers Blood Bikes: https://www.yfwbloodbikes.org/

Your Hosts – Knights of King Ina

Dance leaders – Andrew Knight and Lin Steel.  Lin has danced from early childhood and is a professional dance teacher with the RAD, her Morris history starts with Border and she made the transition to Cotswold on moving to Somerset, she has danced most genres of Morris.  Andrew is an Osteopath and has danced Morris for 25+ years almost exclusively Cotswold; both have been teachers/fore(wo)men and leaders/squires of several teams and both dance with multiple teams.  Andrew wrote the Warm up information 2nd edition for The Morris Federation.

See the KOKI Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/TheKnightsOfKingIna and

KOKI – back in 2010 faced with the imminent demise (never happened) of a set team, several people joined to study Jig dancing as a way of improving their dance and to avoid being reliant on large numbers to go to Festivals. That and there are not many Jig teams about – at the time we found 2 active and 2 inactive in the UK and another also just starting out like us.

At the outset we decided to avoid the inevitable provenance arguments about how its supposed to go and to revisit the – usually handwritten – first collection notes. Our re-interpretation of these is the same starting point that all the revivalists had (apart from those meeting the old dancers) any subsequent variation from first recorded is to suit the dance to us.

Over the years from humble beginnings we have performed at many festivals, won medals, and given a workshop series twice a year in Somerset covering most of the traditions that have Jig dances in their repertoire. There is a notation series and music for all of these available free from us. We now have regular members from the South Coast to Herefordshire and meet regularly to practice (subject to legal restrictions!), members of the team have taught and performed in Europe and Australia and during Lockdown we developed a video set and notation for Ilmington teaching used internationally.

Morris Federation




In person in Somerset or Online over Zoom

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