Morris FedCast – AGM Sat 30th September 2023 and 3 Officer posts

MF-2023-AGM-bannerThe Morris Federation’s Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday 30th September 2023 in person in Bishop’s Castle, Shropshire, and online on Zoom, at 16:30 UK time (sign-in from 16:00) following the Day of Dance.  More details are available on the AGM web page:

Election of Committee Members

Committee members are elected for a term of 3 years at a time. This year we have 3 Committee posts available for election at the AGM on 30th September, for the successful applicant to take up their post from 1st January 2024:

Treasurer – 3 year term – Treasurer – Job Description [PDF] – responsible for all financial transactions, and membership subscriptions.  Jenny Everett currently does this role, contact us to find out more.
Archive Officer – 3 year term – Archive Officer – Job Description [PDF] – responsible for maintaining the physical archives, and a special project to digitise and catalogue it.  Mike Everett currently does this role, contact us to find out more.
Membership Communications Officer – 2 year term – Member Comms Officer – Job Description [PDF] – responsible for producing the FedExtra magazine, and broadcast emails to the membership.  Jess Searle currently does this role, contact us to find out more.
Should you be interested in any of these roles and have a thirst for further understanding, please feel free to contact us

If anyone wishes to stand for election to a post, see the AGM web page where you will find a ‘Committee Post Nomination form’, which must be proposed and seconded by a member (*).  You need to submit your nomination by midnight, Sunday 30th July 2023. 

MF needs you!


We need you, yes you!




Motions and Items for Discussion

All Motions must be proposed and seconded by a member (*).  A team member representing the proposer & seconder must attend the AGM (in person or online).  Items for Discussion must be proposed by a member (*). (*) Member classes: Full Group / Junior Group / Full Individual / Associate / Honorary Life.

See the AGM web page for the form for ‘Submitting a Motion’ and how to submit an Item for Discussion.

Please submit Motions and Items for Discussion by midnight, Sunday 30th July 2023.

Nominations for Honorary Life Membership, or Friend of the MF

The recognition of ‘Honorary Life Membership’ is intended for an individual within the morris community and that of ‘Friend’ is intended for an individual or organisation outside the morris community that has made a unique contribution to morris dancing and related activities in general, or an exceptional contribution to furthering the aims of The Morris Federation.All Motions must be proposed and seconded by a member (*).  (*) Member classes: Full Group / Junior Group / Full Individual / Associate / Honorary Life.

See the AGM web page for the ‘Honorary or Friend Nomination Form’

Please submit nominations by midnight, Sunday 30th July 2023.

See more about the AGM at MF AGM web page

AGM Pack, attending the meeting and voting

The AGM Pack of Papers will be circulated in August.  Instructions on how to vote and attend the meeting – in person or online – will be circulated in early September.  Electronic or proxy votes will also be available.

As per last year, there will be a maximum of one representative per member team who may attend the meeting on Zoom (individual members have access in their own right), and there may be a ‘view only’ option on YouTube for other team members.  Multiple people from a team may attend the meeting in person or online, but only one will be allowed to vote.

Minutes of last year’s AGM & EGM

Here are the:

If you spot any errors/omissions, please contact us – you don’t need to wait until the meeting.

See more about the AGM at MF AGM web page


volunteer image by Truthseeker08 from Pixabay


Volunteers needed!




Would you like to be the ‘Keeper of the bells’?  We have thousands of them!  You would store the bells, post them out when they are sold, and manage the stock on behalf of the Treasurer.  Please contact us for more info.

If you have skills and time to offer support, we would love to hear from you, especially in these areas: Teaching morris and related activities in schools; Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion; Marketing; Annual Financial Auditing; JMO Insurance Negotiation & Management.

There are plenty of other opportunities to volunteer towards the work of the Morris Federation as a co-opted member of the Committee, or just as someone who helps out with things from time to time.  It can be for a short time, or longer term.

Please contact us to arrange an informal chat.


If you wish to subscribe to Morris Federation News via email please fill out this form: Subscribe to Morris Federation News.  Member contacts have a separate mailing list.

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