Silkstone Greens head home from Whitby Folk Week with a trio of trophies

Silkstone Greens write to tell us of their recent wins at Whitby Folk Week

“The event marked a triumphant return for the 30-strong team of dancers and musicians of Silkstone Greens North West Morris, who last performed at the festival in 2010. Showcasing their skills at iconic landmarks around the seaside town, including the historic bandstand and the Captain Cook Memorial Monument overlooking the harbour, the team were easy to spot in their distinctive purple and green sashes. 

Silkstone Greens 2022 Whitby DAC“Silkstone Greens’ first victory of the week came at the festival’s long-running Dance Adversity Challenge, which saw them triumph over local rivals Five Rivers Morris with a fine display of general knowledge and folk dancing trivia.

“Up next was a dance-off with Warwickshire-based Chinewrde Morris, who dance in the same North West style. Judged on the key skills of the genre including high knees and poker-straight lines, Silkstone Greens were delighted to edge a narrow victory and come away with the coveted Golden Clog.

Silkstone Greens 2022 Whitby golden clog“Rounding off the hat-trick was a win at the Thursday evening fancy dress costume competition, which saw the team showcase their light-hearted side with their take on the ‘Circus’ theme: a suited-and-booted look to take on ‘The Ministry of Silly Walks’ from Monty Python’s Flying Circus.

“Silkstone Greens’ Dance Leader Sally Smith said: “Having missed almost two years of dancing due to the pandemic, it’s been fantastic to celebrate our return with a successful week at one of the country’s biggest folk festivals. As well as receiving some fantastic feedback, it has been brilliant to see team morale at an all-time high.”

“The team’s latest victory comes hot on the heels of their recent television appearance on Channel 5’s Summer on the Farm, which saw them performing at Cannon Hall Farm and teaching a dance to presenters Helen Skelton and Martin Hughes-Games. 

Silkstone Greens 2022 Whitby“After a packed summer of events, which also saw Silkstone Greens appear at the Inter Varsity Folk Dance Festival in Sheffield, Rochdale Folk Festival and the Barnsley Festival of Natural Art, the team now turns its attention to practice season in preparation for 2023’s summer festivals.

“Silkstone Greens practice every Thursday from 8pm to 10pm at Dodworth Methodist Church, near Barnsley. They are always keen to welcome new members and will be hosting open evenings on 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th September.

by Silkstone Greens

Next year’s Whitby Folk Week festival will take place 19th-25th August 2023.

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