What’s On (October 2021 onwards)

We’re restarting our online winter events, but it may not be quite as hectic as last winter!

FedTalks and online workshops

Here are our upcoming events, LIVE on Zoom.  Register to receive your Zoom link.  No need to have your own Zoom account, just click on the link to join the talk/workshop.  We will be adding more talks and workshops up to March next year.





For more events see: MF Events

Recordings of past MF online events (ICYMI) 

In case you missed it, recordings of our online Talks and Workshops during Winter/Spring 2020-2021 are on the MF YouTube Channel – ‘subscribe’ to be notified of any new videos.  One new video has just been added:

  • Clogs in Britain and BeyondClogs in Britain & Beyond – Talk by Michael L Jackson (1hr 30mins).  Michael briefly covers the history of clog making in Britain, considers European influences on British clogs, and vice versa, as well as comments of wooden footwear around the world. Heritage clogs and wooden shoes, and clog-making tools, are used to illustrate the talk, plus photos and other old pictures.  See also online photo albums of different styles of clogs, old postcards and various clog-related documents: https://www.facebook.com/7StarsSwordandStep/photos/

For more recordings of talks and workshops, see: MF YouTube channel

Dancing Diary Dates




  • Saturday 23rd September 2023 in Shropshire – the MF Day of Dance and AGM hosted by Shropshire Bedlams and Martha Rhoden’s Tuppenny Dish.  Save the date for now.

Folky stuff

A small selection of folky things for your eyes and ears:

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