Brian Kelly updates us on the 10th Anniversary of Wyld Morris based in Dorset:
“Wyld Morris‘ first public performance took place in Bridport on 1st May 2011. So the 1st May 2021 had been planned for some time as a celebration of our 10th anniversary, with a day of dance with other local sides envisaged for later on in the season.
“Covid-19 meant we had to rethink our plans! However a year or so ago Rob Jayne, a local filmmaker, agreed to make a documentary about our side and the 10 year anniversary year, focussing on participation with a number of new recruits to the side. The focus of the documentary has clearly changed to a more long term project, and will cover how we coped during lockdown (Rob took part in a number of our Zoom meetings) and the future celebrations of our anniversary.
“Rob had also been asked to make a Virtual Mayfest 2021 film for the Bridport Community Orchard – and Wyld Morris, who had had very close links with the Bridport Community Orchard for many years – were delighted to take part in the video.
“We performed four dances (socially-distanced versions of Webley Jig, Beau of London City and Journeyman, which featured four dancers) together with a Nutting Girl double jig. We had one musician, with Rob Jayne who was filming making up the sixth person permitted by the film-making Covid guidelines (as can be seen in the video, we did not have an audience). The dancers also wore new items in our kit, which had been made during lockdown – the waistcoats and the brightly coloured handkerchiefs.
“The rest of the team watched the video when it was published in time for the May Day celebrations – and are looking forward to dancing out as a group later on in the season.
See more about Wyld Morris: they have been publishing a weekly YouTube show since Jan 2021 and have launched a Twitter channel (@WyldMorris) to complement their Facebook page. See: Wyld Morris website.