More online Talks & Workshops to April

MF winter workshopsIf you fancy diving into some morris history, or sniffing out some old clogs, or maybe you would rather dance a Cotswold jig or get your toes to learn a new clog stepping routine, or try out a new Border style dance, then have a peek at what we have on offer.

Come along to our events (LIVE on Zoom)

Here’s the current list – the ones marked “NEW!” have been added recently.  Click on the links below to find out more and to register.  We are still adding more events, so the latest and correct list will always be at: Also posted on Facebook at:

see all MF events & register

last one in February 2021

March 2021

 April 2021

see all MF events & register

How to access an event

Register for an event, and a couple of days before we’ll email you a Zoom link to access it, plus another reminder about an hour before.  Don’t worry if you’ve not used Zoom before, we’ll send you some hints & tips.  We are recording some of the events, which will appear on the MF YouTube channel when they have been processed.

Fancy being our Events Officer?

It has been a lot of fun organising these events for you, and we’ve already had requests and volunteers to run online events over Winter 2021/22.  So we now have a role of ‘Events Officer’ up for grabs.  If you fancy making our events happen, which includes liaising with potential speakers/workshop leaders, creating web pages, managing the bookings, emailing registrants and hosting the events, please contact us with info about your experience and what you could bring to the role.

We need your video editing skills!

We’ve been recording most of the online events, but it takes a lot of time to do a professional job on them to edit out all the little interruptions, and add the branding and credits.  If you have some spare time and video editing skills and would like to help improve our videos for posterity, then please contact us with info about your experience and how you could help.

Hope to see you at one of our events soon!

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